
Friday, April 27, 2012

10% of the way there...

Just like the title says - we've raised a little more than 10% of $75,000 we need to buy land in India.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about - check out this link here.

This is a good start, but we're still $67,280 away from our goal... and we need this amount by May 20th!

These kids deserve it - check out their story below ::

URGENT NEED :: Asha Land Project from The Sound of Hope on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Calling ALL World Race Alumni

My fellow World Race Alumni,

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post.

For those who don't know me, my name is Rusty Jackson, and I was on the 2007 and 2008 World Race. Some of you I have led, many I have served with and hundreds I've talked to by phone when you were deciding whether or not you wanted to do the race.

I'm reaching out because we share a unique bond. I know what you've seen and been through. I know you have looked into the eyes of the orphan, held the hand of widows, served the poor, and fought for the oppressed. You are not a people that sit idly by while others suffer. You are a people of action.

This is why I'm writing. We need your help.

My wife Ericka and I run a non-profit called The Sound of Hope. We raise funds and awareness for orphans and at-risk children in Thailand, Burma, Swaziland and India.

Right now we're trying to help our Indian partners - Asha Mission - buy land. Many of you know Babu John, founder of Asha Mission, and the kids in Delhi.

You heard that right - we need $75,000 in 30 days!

We need a miracle. I'm asking you guys to BE the miracle.

Do you know every Friday these kids fast and pray for land so that one day Asha Mission can build a more suitable home for them? They have such great faith - it's humbling.

Can you BE the answer to their prayer?

The Facebook World Race Alumni page has 670 members. Imagine if every member gave ONLY a $100 - this thing would be nearly funded IN A DAY. And really, who doesn't have a HUNDRED BUCKS? This small amount will change a life FOREVER!

Or, would you be willing to host an event that raises money for these kids? For example, Jen Flavin raised almost $800 doing a chili cook-off. The possibilities are endless.

You can also share this video on Facebook, twitter, etc. I am convinced there are well-funded, Kingdom-minded people out there. We just need to connect with them.

These kids need your help - if we don't get the full $75,000 by May 20th Asha Mission loses the land, the kids lose a chance at a new, permanent home, AND the thousands of dollars used to hold the land will be gone as well.


Donate Now


Friends and supporters - we have an URGENT need.

Our partners in India recently put down a deposit on some land. This has been a big need of theirs for quite some time. Our Sound of Hope blog update explains that in more detail.

The bottom line is this - our partners cannot officially purchase the land until they pay the full asking price, which is due May 20th.

Friends, we need $150,000 more to buy this land, and we've got little time. Luckily, we've already got a $75,000 matching grant.

So here it is - we need $75,000 by May 20th. Can you help?

Please take a moment to watch the video below. If you are receiving this blog update in an email, then you'll need to click HERE to see the video.

To DONATE - click HERE

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Swaziland UPDATE

I've been terrible at keeping up this blog while here in Africa - for that I apologize. We run all our video updates and blogs through facebook, or The Sound of Hope website. However, I do realize there are a some of you out there who only follow our work through this blog. So, for you special few - I am posting this blog. In the future, I would encourage you to click on this link and enter in your email address so that you'll get updates through our SOH website. Ericka's much better at keeping that page up to date with the all the latest.

In the meantime, I want to share a some videos we put together over the last few weeks. The first two have to do with our Children's Library project. As some of you may know - our goal is to start a children's library in every home we serve. So that's two homes in Thailand, three in India, and our carepoint here in Swaziland.

Thanks to our generous donors - we were able to establish our first library here in Nsoko, Swaziland.

Nsoko Children's Library - Part 1 from The Sound of Hope on Vimeo.

Nsoko Children's Library - Part 2 from The Sound of Hope on Vimeo.

To invest in this project and help us establish libraries in India and Thailand - give HERE.

During our time in Nsoko we also checked on two other projects we heavily invested in this past year, the community garden, and school fees.  

Last summer we made a rather large investment into a community garden project here at the carepoint. The vision for this garden is two-fold, we want families from the community to have an opportunity to grow their own vegetables to eat, AND sell the surplus in the market. So not only will this project provide food during a time when prices are high, BUT it will provide a source of income for families living in a community with 70% unemployment.

The second half of this vision involves the hundreds of kids who eat at the carepoint each day. Mostly all they get is maize meal, and beans. The garden will be a source of fresh vegetables, which is a big deal because a lot the children are HIV positive. So it's very important that they have a diet high in nutrition.

The field has been plowed, the irrigation system is in place and the seedlings will be planted soon. We got a ton of video and pictures and we'll be bring you an update soon. 

In the meantime, I want you all to see how excited the kids are to get fresh fruits and vegetables. One day we picked up some apples and brought them to the carepoint. It's crazy to see how excited the kids get over one apple.

an apple a day... from The Sound of Hope on Vimeo.

This garden project is a hand UP, not a hand OUT. To be a part of empowering people in Nsoko, Swaziland click HERE and give toward our garden project.

Moving on to school fees... 

During the first few weeks of this year we were fortunate enough to give a large donation toward school fees. In Swaziland, school is VERY expensive, and many kids and their families are not able to afford them. 

This year, thanks to a large year-end gift, we put 112 kids in school! It was amazing to spend time in the community and talk with several families and students who were impacted by this donation. We spent hours filming and documenting this story. Our goal is to set up a continuous fundraiser for school fees. As excited as we are to help so many go to school, we know that next year this need will still exist.

As you can see, we've had an extremely busy few weeks. The last couple days we have been taking it easy in Nelspruit, South Africa. We leave Africa Thursday and land in Atlanta Friday.

Again, I'm sorry for the lack of blogging, but I do encourage you to click this link and sign up for blog updates directly from our Sound of Hope website. If you have any problems doing this - simply send me an email and I'll get you set up!