

If you'd like to subscribe to get an email each time a new blog is posted, you can join the Google Group for my blog updates! 

You will see a menu down the right side of the page that looks like this ------------->

You'll want to click Join this group.

If you are not signed in to google, it will take you to a sign-in page where you have two options. You can either sign in with your google account (your gmail email and password), or you can easily create an account if you don't have one.

Once you've signed in, simply follow the directions for how to join the group and you'll immediately start receiving email updates!  

*Note: If you are "technologically challenged" like me, and that is confusing/impossible for you to do, feel free to send me a personal email ( and let me know that you'd like to be added to receive email updates. All I need is your name and email address and I'd be glad to add you personally!

If email updates are not your thing, there are several other ways you can follow this blog too!

#1 - You can bookmark this site, and check back every few days or once a week to read the lastest posts.

#2 - You can "follow me" HERE

#3 - You can subscribe to view my posts in your rss feed HERE

Thanks for reading!