My fellow World Race Alumni,
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post.
For those who don't know me, my name is Rusty Jackson, and I was on the 2007 and 2008 World Race. Some of you I have led, many I have served with and hundreds I've talked to by phone when you were deciding whether or not you wanted to do the race.
I'm reaching out because we share a unique bond. I know what you've seen and been through. I know you have looked into the eyes of the orphan, held the hand of widows, served the poor, and fought for the oppressed. You are not a people that sit idly by while others suffer. You are a people of action.
This is why I'm writing. We need your help.
My wife Ericka and I run a non-profit called
The Sound of Hope. We raise funds and awareness for orphans and at-risk children in Thailand, Burma, Swaziland and India.
Right now we're trying to help our Indian partners - Asha Mission - buy land. Many of you know Babu John, founder of Asha Mission, and the kids in Delhi.
You heard that right - we need $75,000 in 30 days!
We need a miracle. I'm asking you guys to BE the miracle.
Do you know every Friday these kids fast and pray for land so that one day Asha Mission can build a more suitable home for them? They have such great faith - it's humbling.
Can you BE the answer to their prayer?
The Facebook World Race Alumni page has 670 members. Imagine if every member gave ONLY a $100 - this thing would be nearly funded IN A DAY. And really, who doesn't have a HUNDRED BUCKS? This small amount will change a life FOREVER!
Or, would you be willing to host an event that raises money for these kids? For example,
Jen Flavin raised almost $800 doing a chili cook-off. The possibilities are endless.
You can also share this video on Facebook, twitter, etc. I am convinced there are well-funded, Kingdom-minded people out there. We just need to connect with them.
These kids need your help - if we don't get the full $75,000 by May 20th Asha Mission loses the land, the kids lose a chance at a new, permanent home, AND the thousands of dollars used to hold the land will be gone as well.